Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
Pretty sure Lilim Avaritia beats Mii right out of the water for a good atk buff, not to mention dat eidolon effect.
What? Stats from all Lilims are just plain bad, the eidelon effect is just plain bad, the atk buff can be obtained from Mii.
Lilim's eidelon effect is just plain bad. You need to have 3 different elements active to benefit from the effect. meaning you are dealing (worst case 30-35%) less damage than a normal mono elemental team would. Just to clarify, 3 different elements need in the front lines, if they are in the backline as replacement, the effect will not activate. If one of those 3 elements die, and you suddenly have only 2 elements active, you lose the effect.

Also its just character attack, meaning its basicly like skilllevel from assault weapons. Elemental attack on eidelons is better unless you have 0 skill level on your weapon grids.

Comparing Mii is a bad call, you don't use her as a main eidelon, or a friend eidelon, but as a pure stat stick with an OKish on use.