what soul you think i should use in this event?
my team is-
Enma (ymaraja)- frame B attack and def debuff (-15%), poison, scorched, combo rate down, fire element boost+debuff block, damage (depends on debuff)
Brynhildr- attack up+combo rate up, heal (1200), small damage to all enemies
Ares- burst growth up, self attack buff up, damage to enemies
Awakened svarog- attack buff to all allies+burst gauge up, ability up, damage to enemy
the option i've thought about are-
Arc+ambush- covering up for both frame A debuffs+ cut damage
Hercules- with fire element have multiple debuffs and her own, her ability damage can be high+ she can hold the pride bow that can add another def debuff
Shingen- during burst time using her can help to deal more damage, she can hold the pride bow as well so another def debuff.