Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
what soul you think i should use in this event?
my team is-
Enma (ymaraja)- frame B attack and def debuff (-15%), poison, scorched, combo rate down, fire element boost+debuff block, damage (depends on debuff)
Brynhildr- attack up+combo rate up, heal (1200), small damage to all enemies
Ares- burst growth up, self attack buff up, damage to enemies
Awakened svarog- attack buff to all allies+burst gauge up, ability up, damage to enemy
the option i've thought about are-
Arc+ambush- covering up for both frame A debuffs+ cut damage
Hercules- with fire element have multiple debuffs and her own, her ability damage can be high+ she can hold the pride bow that can add another def debuff
Shingen- during burst time using her can help to deal more damage, she can hold the pride bow as well so another def debuff.
I wouldn't say there's much point in going defensive against Icarus.. especially with that team. Hercules can equip the union bow which has def down burst effect which can prove pretty handy.
As for BT, it's up to you, I guess, but Shingen won't always gain back her burst in time for FB. I'd bring Arthur, but that would mean you're completely reliant on others to debuff for you, ofc.