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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    If someone can or cannot get a miracle ticket, then they just need to specify that when they post or when brought up by someone else if they didn't know what they were. It's not something to make a big deal over. Simply having it as a possible option alone opens up another layer of advice one can give, which is why people bring up it up until specified they can't buy one.

  2. #2
    So in conclusion, I should re-roll is the gist of this whole conversation as Gaia alone is not going to help?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    following that logic , it's better to start with no SSR kamihime or eidolon at all , since you will have more room to grow. We both know it doesn't work like that....and rolling 2 more SSR (or even SR) kamihime of the same element that you need as a freemium , with no miracle ticket is very very unlikely.
    I think you're looking at this the wrong way around.

    Think of the P2W Eidolons as having... let's say 2 SSR Hime of that element. They don't take slots from the team, but you're still ridiculously powerful. And that powerfulness will only increase because getting Friends with P2W Eidolons, giving you effectively 2 more SSR Hime which don't take slots from the team.

    As soon as your Soul can cover -40% Def, you'll do a ridiculous amount of damage with a full R / bad SR team. If you actually DO ever pull a SSR of the right element? Then you're absolutely golden.

    That's why the 100% P2W Eidolons are so valued. Unless you're willing to sink TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars into game, you'll never, ever find one otherwise. As they're a whale money sink, the odds are just stacked so badly against you. A free player will never, ever find one unless you started the game with one.

    And if you are willing to pay for the game - like 50 bucks per 3 months - you'll be far, far stronger than any other non-whale player can ever hope be in about a year (including players who re-rolled two core SSR Hime). It's up to you do you want to pay or not, but do remember that there's pretty much no hobby in the real world that you can do for a full year for a mere 200 bucks. Even hiking shoes will probably cost you more than that. With zero gambling involved, the argument can be made that it's "worth it" but... that obviously depends on you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    ^ This, people in these forums do exactly what sana tells them, since sana assumes you are going to buy miracle tickets, so you should take what he says with a grain of salt and assuming his guides are just for basic gameplay, cause anything related to "advanced" stuff in them is plain wrong.
    If any of the stuff are plain wrong, do point them out.

    And Sanathlig assumes it because... well, that is absolutely the only way you can actually build a team in this game. There's a few individuals who have gotten absolutely ridiculously lucky with Gacha and built near-ideal SSR teams without paying supposedly, but people like that are 0.001% of the playerbase. Is there a point to making a guide if only 0.001% of people can make use out of it? Because the alternative version is pretty much "x y z w is the ideal team, didn't get lucky? put whatever you get from the gacha into your team, good luck!"
    Quote Originally Posted by Hentaison View Post
    So in conclusion, I should re-roll is the gist of this whole conversation as Gaia alone is not going to help?
    This thread has been hi-jacked, heh.

    You probably could keep re-rolling, but the question is... what is enough, then? You'll have to decide that for yourself.

  4. #4
    I think im in that 0.001% player database as i got 4 dark SSR in one month (2 from reroll and the other 2 on normals jewels draws). Feels so good

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by artista View Post
    I think im in that 0.001% player database as i got 4 dark SSR in one month (2 from reroll and the other 2 on normals jewels draws). Feels so good
    well , i have less then a month and i rolled 5 (4 actually + 1 coppy) , but that doesn't mean they are great...or the same element. As we can see , having SSRs means little if they can't do what you need them to do (which from what i gather, attack/defense debuffs seems to be the meta right now)
    Last edited by lolix; 03-08-2018 at 03:47 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    well , i have less then a month and i rolled 5 (4 actually + 1 coppy) , but that doesn't mean they are great...or the same element. As we can see , having SSRs means little if they can't do what you need them to do (which from what i gather, attack/defense debuffs seems to be the meta right now)
    I got hades for attack debuff, amon unleashed for def debuff. Osiris for some heals and Susanoo is the one that really doesnt contribute to anything but its still some good damage so i can say i was really lucky considering i didnt pay 1 buck for this.

  7. #7
    Just posting an update and thanks to everyone for their contributions. I spent a day re-rolling and ended up with some good accounts. Two notable ones are Satan, Hades and Huanglong while the second one is Svarog, Odin and Hades. Is there anything else I need for either apart from maybe a better Eidolon?

    Also I’ll do a seperate post for account giveaways

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Hentaison View Post
    So in conclusion, I should re-roll is the gist of this whole conversation as Gaia alone is not going to help?
    There is no right answer to this question. I gave you my assessment in my first reply. It just depends on your willingness to reroll a lot (100+ times), how quickly you want you want to be able to reach full strength (2 core SSR kamihime is better than 1), whether you want to be stuck with Fire by default, and whether you're willing to wait a month for the other +100% eidolons to release. Gaia is fine as a starter pick and most players would be satisfied with it. As long as you Miracle it at least 2x you'll have a strong team in 5 months.

    There's also the matter of we don't know which kamihime will be available with the upcoming Miracle tickets yet. Just have to wait and see.
    Last edited by sanahtlig; 03-08-2018 at 03:04 PM.
    Magicami Starter Guide: Rerolling for Success
    Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
    Sanahtlig's Kamihime Project Toolbox: Includes damage calculators and other useful tools, data, and info I've designed and collected. Make a copy to edit.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    following that logic , it's better to start with no SSR kamihime or eidolon at all , since you will have more room to grow.
    That's willfully missing the point. A team with a +100% eidolon can clear content with weaker kamihime, and benefits more from stronger kamihime. What would be side-grades to a team that started with a fuller roster would be upgrades to a team that didn't. Beyond that we'd have to get into specifics about particular elements, and the likelihood of being able to throw together a balanced team in X amount of time with or without spending money. Unless someone else wants to chime in and lecture on that topic, I'll pass. I'll never have a +100% eidolon, so the topic really isn't that important to me. I give two options for rerollers: core kamihime, or +100% eidolons. It's up to them to choose what they want.

    What about limited Kamihime?
    I am building a Dark Team and my core hime is at the moment Dark Ama...
    Later we will get a 100% Dark attack eidolon... So, how high is the probability to get Dark Ama afterwards? I can't buy her with a miracle ticket. If I am unlucky, then maybe I won't get her with jewels alone and have to invest a lot of money.
    Dark Amaterasu is the best you can hope for as a starter kamihime for a Dark team right now. There's no point in agonizing about possibilities that are closed to you. As for chances of rolling limited kamihime, I give you the following table.

    Magicami Starter Guide: Rerolling for Success
    Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
    Sanahtlig's Kamihime Project Toolbox: Includes damage calculators and other useful tools, data, and info I've designed and collected. Make a copy to edit.

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