It seems like ignoring the facts at this point.

If you have Amaterasu perse it won't hurt at all to bring her despite her two Debuffs because she has higher attack than most SR'S I'm aware of, also a Regen and buff that's pretty useful for that event, in that regard it won't be harmful at all but if you build completely around it and go as far as running a soul like Mordred for the Debuffs then that's pretty much what I'm arguing.
Not going out of your way for Debuffs, of course you will run Mars, Amaterasu, Hephaestus, etc if you have them in your main already, that's just common sense.

So far two persons have agreed with me on this and I don't see other than a comment suggesting relying on the supporters' Debuffs to land to be on your side of the coin, but it's okay if you're with that mentality, just don't suggest it to others if you're not sure of the effectivity regarding the other method.

If they don't have those there's always a few ways out, what I meant with that is that you may have other useful SR's to fulfill those roles, say Brynhildr, Agni, I really don't remember SR names but there's at least 4 really good ones I own, and there probably are others I don't, also a workaround would be countering the raid capabilities and covering your team with your soul, be it defensive or offensive wise rather than debuff wise as normally.

I hope that explains the table of zero for you.

About the latter, fire is a really strong element with SR's to cover A Frames, Elemental Buffs, two avaliable healers, an R B Frame -20&-20% debuffer, Sr Kamihime that can raise your burst bar per turn, Regen enablers at SR Level and even a free raid SR who self heals, buffs the whole party and something else.
Nowadays water and wind aren't the only holy grails for F2P Friendly, and yes I might have a bunch of fire SSR and my team might be good composition wise while only spending 20$ (that netted me Raphael) on the game by sheer luck but that only shows that you don't need to be a so called whale to get there.
There's plenty to work with and you don't have to be so hallow minded, salty or discouraged by the fact that I own a "Close to Ideal" fire team (I don't have Belial or Mars lol)

For me it's fine, I won't use my Svarog, Ares, Dakki, Summer Sol, etc.
I'll just use Amaterasu for SSR since by your logic debuffer are fine and I'll drop my normal game plan out.
That alongside other 3 SR's and an SR Bench and see how far does it take me and the damage I made in the end.

About recording, I've never recorded anything unrelated or related to this game and I doubt my laptop can handle it since it's a rusty potato, I can report with a bunch of screenshots though.

Good luck.