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  1. #1

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    Now it's pretty easy to account for the various incidents that had been going on for a few months to the latest issue but the fact still remains, maybe yes language was a bit rough and pointing at someone before calling them out is rude but we aren't five year olds in kindergarten to make such a drama over it.

    Now about this last issue, even if the way in which I said such things is rude or unpolite which I understand shouldn't be the way; I still stand by what I said.

    You shouldn't advice members on content you don't understand or can't clear, you shouldn't "debate over misinformation" or "speculate about something" when the OP asked for a concise strategy, at least not in the same thread, even less when you have somewhat of a good reputation in the forums due to your activity.
    And even less defy members that can clear that content and have a cohesive understanding over it and their advice.

    Does this meet you standards without hurting your feelings now?, it's pretty easy to digest I think.

    On my "misinformation is a bitch" statement, I reffered to this since a big number of players desert the game over being stuck at some point, a bad advice, a speculative one or a missinformed discussion about it can led to it, the fact that your friend was "correcting" a player that gave a good advice with a bad one was the main motivation behind it.

    For now I'm not going to reffer to the theme since at this point it's pretty much attention milking, regardless of it; have a good one and maybe we both can learn from each other later, we were both wrong in our ways after all, you by sneaking your nose in something you don't understand and me by being unpolite and rude, cheers.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    Tbh both ways are wrong, sana and slash thinking they know stuff when they dont (advicing on content they dont clear/struggle) and players speaking truth but in a harsh manner, so first thing first:

    1- Stop advicing on content you cant clear/struggle, that just spreads the missinfo further and increases the bad reputation hbc already has in terms of kh ignorance.
    2- Choose the words wisely when speaking trush, as some1 said, without insults.

    If point 1 is satisfied, people wont have any need of calling some1 out and will give advice as such without insults, cause you know, they get pissed when people think they know stuff when they actually dont.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    This is why I have yet to register for these forums. There's a strong sense of negative bias towards certain users maybe because something they've said once that triggered the other or something, I wouldn't know. Talking about this won't fix anything as seen above. The only thing that would remotely solve this is getting forum moderators, which this site has none, only kotono, the admin, has any power of these forums.

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    This is why I have yet to register for these forums. There's a strong sense of negative bias towards certain users maybe because something they've said once that triggered the other or something, I wouldn't know. Talking about this won't fix anything as seen above. The only thing that would remotely solve this is getting forum moderators, which this site has none, only kotono, the admin, has any power of these forums.
    You're being too childish about it and men don't resolve any issues by complaining with their mommas
    For me the main solution for this is learning to ignore both responding-wise and debunking-wise when the responses are unsatisfactory or just plain wrong this to avoid first misinformation and later insults

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    You're being too childish about it and men don't resolve any issues by complaining with their mommas
    For me the main solution for this is learning to ignore both responding-wise and debunking-wise when the responses are unsatisfactory or just plain wrong this to avoid first misinformation and later insults
    Request for a discussion with some education and manners are not "complaining to mommas". On the contrary, the childish option is use some rough manners. Specially when you may have some spark of merit to your opinions.

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    You're being too childish about it and men don't resolve any issues by complaining with their mommas
    For me the main solution for this is learning to ignore both responding-wise and debunking-wise when the responses are unsatisfactory or just plain wrong this to avoid first misinformation and later insults
    This is a fine example of the childish mentality society has forced on people to avoid being called a 'tattletale', a 'snitch', etc. Telling someone with the power to stop something from going out of control is far better than simply ignoring it. Ignoring it solves nothing and is part of the problem. That's why this topic was made in the first place.

  7. #7

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    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Neverbloom View Post
    -- I still stand by what I said. --
    The problem is though... you haven't really said anything. Not a single argument.

    At the moment, you're trying to be a mythical savior with a mythical solution to a mythical monster that you've slain. And you demand to be applauded as the hero who has saved us all!!!

    I'll be far more inclined to believe you when you start explaining where, why and what. Until then... well. I'll just keep spreading my misinformation because I won't have access to anything more correct.
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    1- Stop advicing on content you cant clear/struggle, that just spreads the missinfo further and increases the bad reputation hbc already has in terms of kh ignorance.
    So hbc already has a bad reputation, and yet you're still here...
    And instead of pointing out the missinfo, you'd rather just claim that it's wrong without pointing out what is wrong...?

    I find this quite odd.
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    This is why I have yet to register for these forums. There's a strong sense of negative bias towards certain users maybe because something they've said once that triggered the other or something, I wouldn't know.
    I know right.
    That BakaHentai episode tends to come up constantly.

  8. #8
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    So hbc already has a bad reputation, and yet you're still here...
    And instead of pointing out the missinfo, you'd rather just claim that it's wrong without pointing out what is wrong...?
    Relying on debuffs on wrag when wrag is more about team composition (having dakki) and grid, saying that baalU isnt good even tho top dmm players use her in every thunder team, basing all your arguments on the def/atk debuff cap, when plenty of top tier teams dont even care if they have atk down or not (some even lack the 50% def down until herc bursts), just to name a few, all of this above is missinfo coming from you.

  9. #9

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    Jul 2017
    I have said all of that, yes.

    By the way, define "top tier teams"? Because if we're talking about something like Japanese whales who have 70k base atk, yeah, they probably don't need to care. But is that something that any regular user needs to care about?

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