I got so many opening for this and need a concrete choice....

To note, these are the SSR I DO have:

Fire- Svarog (awakened), Ares, Acala

Water- Aphrodite, Sarasvati

Wind- Gaia (awakened and nearly max lv), Cu Chulainn

Thunder- Tyr, Thor (awakened)

Dark- Amon, Susanoo

Light- Sol, Raphael, Tsukiyomi

not sure if it helps, but i have NO 100% eidolons... some to note is that i got thunderbird, lv 100 huanglong (i know char atk is valued less, but 60% atk and 20% hp is nothing to sneeze at), fafnir, lv85 echidna, jabberwock lv55, slepnir lv55, fenrir lv55, ifrit lv55, and lv100 jack frost

Now I do main a light comp but still, i'm working on wind (current secondary) and possibly the others (i'll get to all 6 eventually when my main team gets strong enough).

in fact, some choices I thought of were michael (light atk boost), metatron (insane burst), amaterasu (obvious), mars (debuffing), cthulu (debuffing) nike (better healer and support than aphrodite), dakki (rampaging and wind res, plus i love foxes), osiris (dark DESPARATELY NEEDS HEALERS), any thunder healer (same reason for osiris)... too many choices!

plus another major thing is that i do plan on whaling for SSR Cybele if need be. I love her and my wind comp would benefit greatly with her debuff and the fact that she double/triple attacks every turn (not sure if this is confirmed to spread to the rest of the team).

so i need some help. who to pick and why? remember that i main light but can be open to wind. if any of the other elements, then i'll need some reasoning why.

and no pressure cause there's a month on this thing