Lugh can only do double skill 2 nuke once and had to wait 6T to do that again if you like to do it, normal ppl just spam skill 3 and nuke once. That vid is tower tho so it’s reasonable for Bear to save that double nuke on boss. Yes a agree you can run Tish and Mike no problem without Sol, but when Lugh come, it’s a whole different story. The enemy is not a punching bag, they fight back, I doubt Tish and Lugh can last more than 10T in a rag, Lugh burst 15% of her heath every turn to dish out dps and stay fast, Tish burn 10% of her health every 3T to use buff, and if she want to keep Lugh stay alive a little bit longer, she had to burn 20% of her health for the heal. Sol is need to keep those 2 stay safe in an extreme environment like rags.