Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
It's easier to think of having the Himes do damage for a certain number of rounds and then divide the team's damage by the number of rounds used.
Dejnov, thank you for the post! Yes, I agree that your calculation is the more intuitive way of doing it. My short-hand calculation is just that, a short-hand way of getting at the same qualitative conclusion. Apparently not too convincing though.

Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
Base Balance,Tricky Himes are around 8k attack, offense Himes are around 9k-10k and Healing and Defense Himes are around 7k. If we take the 8k assault Hime as the base our Hime set is either 1.0x, 1.2x, or 0.875x depending on if their Balanced, Offensive, or a Healing type Hime.
Yes, my calculations implicitly assumes that everyone has the same base atk, which just isn't the case. However, when you start FLB-ing things, hime stats become a smaller and smaller portion of total atk, so those multipliers are gonna get closer together.

Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
This assumption is fairly useless though as no 'real' team needs that many rounds to actually burst and that's due to powers and abilities.
Yes, I could have picked a better base case... I was starting from the perspective of a new player with all SR and deciding on first mtix and actually purposely trying to stack the deck against Mike and Tish just to make a point.

Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
That makes characters that can up or guarantee DATA much more powerful (like Tishtrya, Takeminakata) than characters that just generate free burst (Shingen and Michael).
Nitpick, but both Shingen and Michael AW ups DATA for the whole team. It's not on the same level as Tish and I won't rely on it for BG unless you stack it like crazy with eido effects, accessories and tiara bonuses (just gotta figure out how to survive those death beams from light rag...)

Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
There are 4 fast Light Himes currently: Tishtrya, Michael, Takeminakata, and Lugh. (Please note: I don't have Lugh and so can't comment fully on her).
I know people don't like Vishnu 'cos she's really hard to use, but she's fast, too, like Lugh fast, well until Lugh bursts that is... But Vishnu can actually keep herself alive. If you have no one better or don't have a healer to pair with Lugh, Vishnu still gets the job done. Also, if you're trying to MVP something and just need to burst as quickly as possible like the current raid, Metatron is your girl.

Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
Also note she[Tish] takes 3 turns to ramp up (get the second Hime to TA) so she's a bit slow at the start.

Takeminakata gets guaranteed TA for 3 rounds (and then has to wait 7 rounds with nothing).
Do what I do - first TA buff from Tish goes on the soul, after the first burst, put it on Take. Keeps the burst speed pretty even so no one is falling significantly behind. That is why I love Tish, when you use her well, it keeps your burst machine in sync so it's rare for anyone to be waiting around for burst (unless you use Metatron, she's a different animal.)

Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
Lugh can up her BG 20 per round (for 15% health) or 30 per round after a full burst, but can't sustain the trick for long combats nor does she up her DATA capability. She's around Takeminakata's level of sustained BG generation; about 40BG/damage effective gain and can still sustain a burst every 4th round. Still not bad, but not in the realm of Tish or Michael.
Yes, but remember every time she gets her BG 20, she is also nuking for 3-3.5x, that's on top of her regular attack, so that's like much better than even Take's TA. Also, depending on whether you can spare Tish's heal on Lugh or have Sol on your team, Lugh can in theory keep it up much longer than Take. You can also 'store' Lugh's BG for 1T and do double nuke/BG the next turn, whereas Take's TA is wasted if you burst on a turn where her TA is still up (I want Lugh so badly )

Certainly not in the realm of Tish or Mike, yes, but they have different roles, and ideally you want all of them - Mike just speeds everyone up, Tish is fast and speeds up bottleneck himes, Lugh/Take/Vishnu are faster and makes it easy to accommodate a slow hime (Arty / LT / Sol / Eros / Raphy / whatever you have/need for the content you're facing.)

Quote Originally Posted by Dejnov View Post
But you truly need Michael, Tishtrya, or both create any base fast burst Light team.
I completely agree, which is why I consider Mike and Tish to be core - they give you a very respectable baseline DPS with nice set of utility skills. Then tack on two more himes depending on what you need, and most light SSRs are very very nice.