How can you compare Take with Lugh ?, Lugh is just better in any case, if you can keep her nuke constantly, you are looking at 4-4,5x dmg and 30BG per turn without any DATA, 8x dmg 40BG in the turn after burst, 15x dmg 70BG if you do the double nuke after burst trick. Take GTA is 3x dmg 30 BG per turn that have mother fucking 10T cool down.
Metatron is a different monster?, even with AW she is still subtatron, she is weak, 150% burst dmg per 2 turn ?, that’s a joke compare to Uriel 400% burst dmg per 2 turn that come along with a mini 1x dmg and GDATA buff. The only time Metatron do fancy dmg is when her count is 0, even with that, you deal 3-3,5m dmg at most if you hit dark enemy with her crit with your maxed F2P grid. To reach that 4m cap, you need whale grid. And how long Metatron need to do 3-4m dmg ?, 9 fucking turn, she do basically nothing in between, just a pure dead weight with no DATA and nuke. Take and Meta only good in dummy, out side that, Lugh kick their ass hard