1. Take echo burst is 500k dmg in the first burst cycle because she start with 3 sword and each sword give her 250k dmg, but she had to use 1 for her GTA tho. You had to save her first skill for second cycle if you don’t what her to lose 50% of her atk and def because of that passive. So the second cycle she will be a complete dead weight with no dmg nor speed, basically a R hime, so she need Tish’s help, but if you speed her up to release that sweet 750k echo burst, her first skill can’t come of cd on time so that turn her into a 1/2 R hime. Furthermore, she can’t be used as a burst leader like Lugh because Tish need to help someone else.
2. Compare meta to Uriel is a little bit unfair, let take Ares instead, the one that you guys say she is mediocre, ok?. Meta is decently fast because her BG skill and if you take her burst dmg as a nuke, it’s 4,5x dmg 6t cd nuke, Ares have 7x dmg 6t cd nuke, she is as fast as meta, and on top of that, she beat meta by her DATA dmg, so yeah, meta still suck out side tower.
3. Sol need help from Tish, but both Tish and Lugh need help from Sol, it’s called team synergy, full force Lugh out dmg Uriel easily and super constantly fast that free Tish to help out others like Sol or Mike.
TLDR: Tish and Mike is the base of Light team, if you want more dmg, take Lugh, if you want to use Lugh, take Sol. or you can wait until Iris come out, she is a little bit RNG, but if her RNG is good, her DMG can even compare with full force Lugh, and she don’t need Sol yay, so then you can run whatever you bias want.
P/s: Lugh have 20% C-frame for debuff lover, just mention XD