Quote Originally Posted by QXZ View Post
its not flashy like the other builds, but its very well rounded. i use this team for most contents.

my struggle with Take / Tish and Shingen is that they each have weaknesses that needs to be covered, making the team vulnerable to in certain situations - necessitating team swaps. this is especially the case with fights that have mechanics - usually some kind of enemy buff that needs to be cleansed or debuffs that need to be blocked. the extra DEF down is helpful too since some of them miss or on CD during multi-stage fights. you also don't depend on another teammate, which makes soloing Dark Cats much more bearable.
I think the absolute beauty of Light is that each Hime excels at what they are built to do. Some can be played multiple ways (such as Takeminakata), but most fit their required role very well. The changing of one or two Himes helps the team switch focus gives you the ability to handle different triggers. They are also an element that can do debuff content and can transcend to non-debuff content by switching Himes on their team as needed. Being able to create a team for a specific boss is a big plus and other elements struggle with that flexibility (like Dark). Others are naturally built slow and struggle to get a full team up to fast burst speed (such as Water). Light may not have the pure awesome fire power of Fire and Thunder, but gets a lot of flexibility for different content.

My current favorite teams are:

General Content: Shingen (Ambush), Shamash, Tishtrya, Sol, Michael
Burst Content: Shingen (Encourage Inspiration), Takeminakata, Tishtrya, Sol, Michael
Debuff Content: Shingen (Ambush), Tsukiyomi, Tishtrya, Sol, Michael
Wing Rag: Joan (Saint Breath), Shamash, Tishtrya, Sol, Michael

As you can see, small changes can truly create a different team and team capability fairly easily in Light. I struggle to get that flexibility in my Dark, Wind, and Water teams (and my Fire and Thunder teams suck balls so eh).
