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  1. #11
    I will cross-link mr dreamlitz post from other topic to bump this thread, as it still contains relevant information for people intending to main light. The current iteration over recommended himes is HERE:

    At the same time I would like to use this opportunity to ask question, about how do people form teams with Lugh / Iris / Tish? I have managed to collect all three, but each composition feels somewhat clunky.

    Likely every team will want Mike AW. From there one could add all three fast himes, but it just lacks the sustain that Sol brings along. Especially when going for light guardian, the cleanse is simply needed. Light Rag also lasts long enough, that the sustain from Sol adds a lot. Finally, with Lugh and Tish both dealing damage to themselves, going that way doesn't feel great for anything that doesn't end in few turns.

    Assuming we bring along Sol, we now need to kick out one of the fast himes. Tishtrya really helps Iris. Not only she allows her to burst early, before she stacks her sword effects, but also she helps her to land her debuff. And without landing the debuff, Iris is just inferior to Vishnu. However, Iris+Tish means we leave behind our strongest nuker, Lugh.

    Going Lugh + Tish means you only have a single strong attacker, only -35% def, and if at any point you want to start to auto, you suddenly kill yourself. Finally bringing Lugh without Tish against anything that actually deals damage, makes it very hard to keep Lugh alive.

    Finall thought is - I wonder why there is so little love for Visnhu. She can consistently burst every third turn, deals a lot of autoattack damage even if she looses occasionally her stacks, has a ton of self-sustain between burst barrier and third skill. With 65k attack I currently have (and no fluffy) she bursts for around 50% more than fully stacked Iris. With that she outdamages and outsustains Iris, while being more consistent, provided someone else in the raid brings def debuffs. Dreamlitz mentioned, that her big problem is continuous damage, but at the same time this is even bigger problem for her main competitor - Lugh. My only quarrel with Visnhu is that you need to fire two skills every turn. While this is useful during AQ7, I have lost MVPs multiple times, because I need to take two 'rounds' just loading her skills, while other participants deal damage (wish we could just queue skills instead of staring 10 seconds at 'connecting' after each click...). Having said that - why is she not considered a top tier anymore?
    Last edited by Crow; 01-02-2020 at 01:47 PM.

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