I can't help but feel that rerolling is somewhat being overrated.

For example... what the guide fails to mention is that because of the rarity of some Eidolons your chances of ever getting the same one are extremely rare. Heck, the time which some people need for the rerolling process proves as much. Yet this also implies that you won't be level breaking your Eidolon any time soon.

And quite frankly I'll take a maxed out Eidolon over a capped level 40 anytime. Also because most Eidolons can provide several status effects which, when enhanced, only get better. This allows you to truly level up and expand your team.

Another reason why I feel this way is because if there's one thing I learned about the game it's that raw attack power will only get you so far. So all that time spent on trying to get the "best" team is - in my opinion obviously - much better spent on actually playing and learning more about the game. And leveling up your Hime's and Eidolons of course!

Finally the guide claims that if you have a rare Eidolon you'll get many friends in no time because of its rarity. I seriously doubt that and consider the statement overrated. Sure; people who know the game inside out and who actually recognize those Eidolons maybe tempted to pick those over others. But every other casual player will start by looking at the Eidolon's level. The higher the better right? So I don't think too many people would pick a level 40 rare Eidolon over a maxed out level 100. Heck; even level 50 would probably beat it.

And wasn't all this aimed at new players? Why assume that new players actually know all the rare Eidolons?

Fact is that you'll get friends no matter what. It's the way the game works. Another fact is that if you're not very active with playing then you won't earn much extra cash anyway, no matter how rare your Eidolons are. Simply because your name wouldn't be listed.

Now... don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying that there's no value to rerolling at all, absolutely not.

But I do think some people are seriously overhyping the whole thing. Actually learning the game play, building up a good strategy for your element team and recognizing and addressing the teams weaknesses can get you much better results than just getting hold of a bunch of rare and limited Eidolons and blindly relying on their capabilities.