Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
And quite frankly I'll take a maxed out Eidolon over a capped level 40 anytime.
You don't understand how the game works.

A 100% Eidolon at 0-stars is by far stronger than a LMB event Eidolon (45% currently, technically we're getting 50% with caveats later). Even LMB Gacha Eidolons (whales only) are 60%. As such, you are just mathematically flat out wrong, and this is even before considering the friend-list benefits and long term team planning benefits.
Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
Also because most Eidolons can provide several status effects which, when enhanced, only get better.
Literally only Dragoons as far as I know. So you're wrong here as well.
Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
Another reason why I feel this way is because if there's one thing I learned about the game it's that raw attack power will only get you so far. So all that time spent on trying to get the "best" team is - in my opinion obviously - much better spent on actually playing and learning more about the game.
The same way you've learnt it all wrong? Yeah, that'll sure help.

The "best" team will perform extremely well, even if played badly. The "best" team with a P2W Eidolon will just faceroll all content in the near future, though not in the far future.

Though, later on in Kamihime's life cycle we'll get actually complex Hime where this might be an argument since you can't just AAB and gain decent results.
Quote Originally Posted by ZenMaster View Post
Finally the guide claims that if you have a rare Eidolon you'll get many friends in no time because of its rarity. I seriously doubt that and consider the statement overrated. Sure; people who know the game inside out and who actually recognize those Eidolons maybe tempted to pick those over others. But every other casual player will start by looking at the Eidolon's level. The higher the better right? So I don't think too many people would pick a level 40 rare Eidolon over a maxed out level 100. Heck; even level 50 would probably beat it.
Maybe new players might make that mistake, yes. But any new player on your Friend List is worthless, as such, this argument is also flat out wrong. That's just not how the game works.

New players can't get any Friend slots from veteran players since they have nothing to offer them. You can easily get people to your Friend List, yes. But these people will likely only one or two good Eidolons - if even that. This also strongly depends on when you start the game. If there have been strong Eidolon lately, then people at roughly your Rank will have those - but nothing else. Worst case scenario, there have only been garbage Eidolons lately and there are zero useful Eidolons for you anywhere.

Meanwhile, if you reroll into a P2W Eidolon you instantly get a free pass to just about every veteran's Friend List. And bam, you have access good Eidolons in EVERY element, not just the one your P2W Eidolon is. Would you look at that, I guess it helps that you're friends with people who actually know how to play the game.

So, maybe it would be time for you reroll? It's obvious that you haven't understood the advantages of it at all.