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  1. #11
    Sure thing and right they're pretty powerful on their own, even without their bonuses they'll provide a stronger boost than any other Eidolons of their respective elements, for now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    You can live in the far future as much as you want, but you're still selling a 100% Eidolon against a 100% Eidolon. Yes, Hanuman is slightly better... if you can fulfill the requirement of Wind Eidolon Grid without sacrificing base Atk. Hint, you can't.

    In a year, Hanuman is somewhat better. 120% Hanuman against 100% Hraes is certainly a damage increase, but again, going to 140% will require a Wind Eidolon Grid. Even if you do go 140% Hanuman, hell, even if you go DOUBLE 140% Hanuman, the damage increase when compared to double 100% Hraes is barely enough to cover the 16% extra damage you get from Hraes being able to get your Def debuffs from 40% to 50%. Of course, this doesn't apply to debuff immune content.

    Again, you're seriously overselling Hanuman.
    Hanuman has her own Summon effect, applying a Counterattack buff that you needn't worry about missing, whereas Hraesvelgr's debuff has a low hit rate that will only be exacerbated by enemies getting more resistant or immune to debuffs.

    1 year is not far enough into the future for me. The ideal Wind Eidolon grid would consist of Hanuman with 5 +99 Level 100 Gale Kaiser Dragoons. For this you'd need 25 copies of Gale Kaiser Dragoon/Imperial Chaldeas. If you're a space whale then you can speed up the process, but if not then once you have your core platoon of SSR Wind Kamihime you can Miracle Ticket copies of Gale Kaiser Dragoon until you get there. If Hanuman gets crept in this time, you'll still have nice stats and be ready for the 240-300% Wind attack-boosting Eidolon that depends on commensurate Wind Eidolons that may come out by 2037. There's no indication of Kaisers getting swept yet, but if they do you can always get whatever that is and supplement them with the pretty nice stats of your Gale Kaiser Dragoon legion until you get the new stuff.

    If you miss a Wind Union it's not a huge deal, by 2037 there'll be much more fly SSR Wind weapons as well as a few Wind Union event repeats for as many of the weapons from it as you need.
    Last edited by Pigeon; 01-08-2019 at 09:47 AM.

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