Quote Originally Posted by Yuki777 View Post
I'm kinda a perfectionist and i would kinda like to try for a 120% eidolon or a 100% plus a SSR kamihime of the same element. Is that kinda crazy?
It's all RNG, so you might get that the next reroll. Statistically though, expect to reroll a long long time before getting 100%+ and an SSR of matching element.

Quote Originally Posted by Yuki777 View Post
I guess when leviathan gets released then Rudra becomes kinda.. redundant?
Wouldn't say redundant, Rudra is still way more powerful than other gacha eidolons and event eidolons. Hanuman (120% wind eidolon) has been out for a while now, and trust me, there are still plenty of ppl that would befriend every Hraesvelgr (100% wind eidolon) they see and jump for joy if they draw her themselves. The 120% eidolons like Leviathan require you to equip eidolons of matching element to get it up to 120% (will be boosted to 140% some time down the road btw), but otherwise they are 100% as well if none of your sub eidolons are of matching element. If you draw both Rudra and Leviathan on the same account, then it's sort of redundant, but they give different active abilities, so you might still end up using both.

Quote Originally Posted by Yuki777 View Post
Is a 120% gonna be necessary for upcoming content?
Strictly speaking no. Good team setup and strong weapons grid can help offset the lack of 100%+ eidolon to a limited extent. You just get to the required power level to clear all content much quicker with 100%+ and you have a noticeably higher ceiling in your power, so everything will just be easier. If you want to be top 20 in towers or MVP every rag raid, then 100%+ eidolon alone is probably not even enough - you need a lot of himes and lots of SSR/FLB weapons as well. So, depends on how ambitious you are.

Quote Originally Posted by Yuki777 View Post
Hastur seems pretty useable off element at least given she has all allies attack up and a def down. Is that the case?
You won't be using off-element himes for long. You lose too much power that way, especially if you have 100%+ eidolon. Hastur isn't a bad hime, but her skills aren't that special. People will occasionally bring non-matching element characters like Sol 'cos she has heal, cleanse and enemy buff removal, all of which are relatively rare skills. Those are merely temporary solutions until you draw or mtix the himes to complete a full team of matching element though.