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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    Hello, need help...

    Well, while i was rerolling I manage to get Ares (waifu) and Belial. But at the same time i got 3 Takeminakata. I was thinking to get the Support Miracle Ticket to get Sol. And a Miracle Ticket to get Svarog (No Uriel, hate lolis) or Amaterasu (Although she is good, she is too slow for the meta right?) or well, i´m open to recomendations.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    That sounds like a reasonable plan. Japanese players have also compiled a list of Miracle ticket recommendations, which is a good resource too.
    Magicami Starter Guide: Rerolling for Success
    Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
    Sanahtlig's Kamihime Project Toolbox: Includes damage calculators and other useful tools, data, and info I've designed and collected. Make a copy to edit.

  3. #3
    thats pretty useful actually. thanks for posting it.

    only thing i dont get is why doesnt Michael get recommended - despite Arti got nominated.
    Last edited by QXZ; 09-08-2019 at 09:53 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by QXZ View Post
    thats pretty useful actually. thanks for posting it.

    only thing i dont get is why doesnt Michael get recommended - despite Arti got nominated.
    That recommendation list is weird... Like, both the recommendation and the reasoning are weird. The himes it lists generally do not lead to a path to a team that is anything close to meta. It has a very strong heal and debuff bias, which may be appropriate for beginners, but then it does not consider areas that are easily filled by SRs, so I'm not sure whether it's even good recommendations for beginners.

    Let's start with dark:

    • If you follow that list, you'll mtix Osiris, Thanatos and Amon U - none of them are bad, but then you have 2 C frame def down...
    • It recommends Osiris 'cos she's the only SSR healer - problem is that dark has literally no SSR ascension weapons outside of guardian weapons and Nerfertum's weapon when she comes out; even at SR level, only Buer's weapon has ascension, so around mid-game-ish, her BG gain is much more important than her heal imo
    • For early game, there's no shortage of SR healers for dark - it mentions Buer, but dark Diana, Manes, Ereshkigal and Hypnos can all provide some heal and works pretty well for early game content

    The list for light is also weird:

    • As pointed out by QXZ, there's no mention of Michael. Mike AW is probably the only indispensable unit in light meta since almost every single light SSR unit has an important burst effect, so bursting often is the key to strong light teams.
    • SSR Arty is pretty good after her rebalance, but if this list is meant for beginners, I would go for Tish first for B frame, since A frame can be filled by Diana and Tish provides much more utility than SSR Arty.
    • It recommends Iris for debuff and 'boss-killing'. Iris is incredibly strong but only if you have Mike AW and running Shingen. Without them, you have almost no chance of hitting a 3T burst cycle consistently, and if you can't do that, Iris does not dish out her fabled 'boss-killing' dmg

    Also want to comment on wind:

    • Mtix Hastur... Seriously, no... This may have made sense a year ago or so, but there're so many other worthy mtix options now. I mean, if you follow the recommendation list, you'll have Cybele U and Frig as well (questionable whether either are high mtix priority btw), that's 40% def down already, just EX ambush, use Hercules' axe or grab a friend Hraesvelgr if you really want the remaining 10%
    • I can see a debate about which other wind himes should or shouldn't be on the list, but no Aether on the list? She is very strong and synergizes very well with others since the burst multiplier is a separate multiplier

    I could go on, but I don't know the other elements enough to intelligently comment on them. Bottom line is, talk to currently active experienced players for mtix recommendations. You can read recommendation lists, but use that as a starting point for you to ask intelligent questions. Remember that what works for someone with a 100% eido and a whale grid may not work for you, and fighting on- or off-element often changes what the meta is as well, so always ask how others use a certain hime if you're not sure if something will work for you or not.

    tl;dr - ask experienced players for mtix advice; standard recommendation lists should only be a start point

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