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Results 661 to 670 of 783
  1. #661
    My Nutaku assets JPG archive only has the uncensored harem files in it. You'll still want to run 1_download_assets for the black.jpg, pink_s.jpg, the audio files, the backgrounds, the sprites, and everything that comes out during the 6.5th anniversary and afterwards. It might be more convenient at this point to upload my entire player, or at least the aforementioned asset files. The missing files in your screenshot are likely of NPCs, none of which I have in either player. I found two images of characters with similar file names.

    Edit 1: The other Nutaku player and DMM player files. Combined with the files linked in post #648 and post #656, that's my entire Nutaku and DMM players. The last update is right before the 6.5th anniversary (PB02LT Invi) for the Nutaku version and after [Hard Flame Demon] Cyclops plus [Corpse Angel] Dian Cecht for the DMM version.

    Edit 2: In response to post #646, I've edited 2_build_rpy for the Nutaku player so that pink_s.jpg appears during the harem scenes. It appears in the DMM player's scenes with the default 2_build_rpy. I don't know how to stop the loop between x_c3.jpg (x stands for the numbers and dashes that a character's harem scene JPG files have) and pink_s.jpg, or how to make the screen flash white after pink_s.jpg. There's a white-58601670815426575e0b3065f32ca59aa6945cc0.png in the assets folder, but there isn't a white.jpg file in the assets sub-folders like there is for black.jpg and pink_s.jpg.

    In a raw_scenario JSON file (3_harem-summon.json) I see this code: {"repeat": false, "auto": true, "stay": "1s", "film": "0001-2-2_c3.jpg", "fps": 8, "talk": [{"chara": "", "words": ""}]}, {"talk": [{"chara": "", "words": ""}], "auto": true, "transition": "whiteout2s", "film": "pink_s.jpg", "fps": 1}. x_c3.jpg is supposed to loop once, flash white for 2 seconds, display pink, and then display x_d.jpg. The only transition I see in 2_build_rpy is transition = 'dissolve' so it would take some programming knowledge to include 'whiteout2s' as an option and to make x_c3.jpg not repeat loops like x_c1.jpg and x_c2.jpg.

    Edit 3: Updated to include the JSON files for the DMM soul skin Siegfried [Serious Youth]. The previous DMM soul skin is on post #632.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails [New Player] Love scenes collection-akudaikanichizokua_00-5366579c43ed74aecfa666482a2375e8ab3fa523.png   [New Player] Love scenes collection-akudaikanichizokub_00-8c12a418e51296fd1d9c5a0e0073c1c63ac0771e.png   [New Player] Love scenes collection-screenshot-2023-10-25-152522.jpg  
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Berwayer; 11-26-2023 at 02:47 PM.

  2. Quote Originally Posted by Berwayer View Post
    In a raw_scenario JSON file (3_harem-summon.json) I see this code: {"repeat": false, "auto": true, "stay": "1s", "film": "0001-2-2_c3.jpg", "fps": 8, "talk": [{"chara": "", "words": ""}]}, {"talk": [{"chara": "", "words": ""}], "auto": true, "transition": "whiteout2s", "film": "pink_s.jpg", "fps": 1}. x_c3.jpg is supposed to loop once, flash white for 2 seconds, display pink, and then display x_d.jpg. The only transition I see in 2_build_rpy is transition = 'dissolve' so it would take some programming knowledge to include 'whiteout2s' as an option and to make x_c3.jpg not repeat loops like x_c1.jpg and x_c2.jpg. convert raw scenario above to renpy's format

    I check renpy's old anim.Filmstrip manual add "loop=False" to c3 (fps=8)

    but just like #burststrike said we only get one frame in the player.

    pic size 900x640, grid 16x1 delay 1/8=0.125sec

    if fps > 8:
    c = 'show expression '
    c += '(Zoomable(Frame(anim.Filmstrip(im.Rotozoom("nutak u/assets/%s/%s",90,1.0),(900,640),(16,1),%f)))) ' % (
    rd, entry['film'], 1/fps)
    c += 'at top as cg with dissolve'
    elif fps > 1:
    c = 'show expression '
    c += '(Zoomable(Frame(anim.Filmstrip(im.Rotozoom("nutak u/assets/%s/%s",90,1.0),(900,640),(16,1),%f,loop=False)))) ' % (
    rd, entry['film'], 1/fps)
    c += 'at top as cg with dissolve'

  3. #663
    Hi, I downloaded the player (the big one), updated all the py files givrn a few post ago (post 859), then followed the steps from 0 to 5. Now I have a few questions:

    1 - There is an error log for each asset, and the one for 1 (download asset) is huge (832 ko) is this because Nutaku updated something?

    2 - When I first started 1, I stopped my computer after 8 hours because it was taking too long. the day after that, my computer resetted on it own for an auto update. Can this explain the issue from above?

    3 - If you close 1 at some point, then restart it later, what happen? Will everything be corrupted? Or will it keep going where it stopped?

    4 - When I try some scenes on the players, Most of them crash at the very beginning with the usual "exception has occured" (especially the news scenes). How can this be solved? (do I need to manually deleted some files and run 1 again and hope for the best, or will running 1 again be enough?)
    Last edited by Kirashi; 11-09-2023 at 04:08 AM.

  4. #664
    UP! Help please

  5. #665
    If by the 'the big one' you mean the combined Nutaku and DMM player, I'd recommend that you avoid using it since no one has tested the updated scripts with it to my knowledge. At this point the easier way to get the files between April 2021 to October 2023 is to download the files I uploaded in post #648, post #656, and post #661. If you want to do a clean install for the Nutaku and DMM players, post #629 should get you updated to September 2nd, 2023, then post #632, post #635 (DMM only), and post #657 (DMM only). The Nutaku JPG files for the harem scenes are all censored as of October 2023, so you'll still have to download the files linked in post #648 if you want the uncensored images.
    Last edited by Berwayer; 11-18-2023 at 10:51 PM.

  6. #666
    Hello everyone, I'm a newbie. I wanted to ask where I can find the link for the Kamihime offline game. It's really hard to locate it within the forum.

  7. #667
    b25783615 -> Check the first post you have links for the players

    Berwayer -> Thank you, there are a lot of informations. I'll take my time checking slowly all the posts. I have 2 questions :

    Can I simply overwrite the JPG files once I downloaded everything or do I need to follow some specific steps? (I'm a bit lost on the explanations on your post regarding "before/after 6A" not understanding its meaning)
    Can the updated 1/2/3/4/5 get 100% of the released scene so far or will I have no choice but to manually instal some of those? (if so how do I manually add them in the player?)
    Last edited by Kirashi; 11-21-2023 at 04:18 PM.

  8. #668
    If you do a clean install for the Nutaku player but want the uncensored JPG files the procedure should be something like: download+extract the files in post #1, download+extract+paste the uncensored JPG files into 'Kamihime_Player-1.0-pc/game/nutaku/assets', download+extract+paste the scripts in post #589 into 'Kamihime_Player-1.0-pc/game/nutaku', and run the 0-5 scripts. There are two asset folder names for Main Quest scenes 1 and 2 (shortened to 'MQ1' and 'MQ2') depending on whether you download the raw scenario JSON files (obtained from either 0_download_json, downloaded manually, or from a forum post) before or after the 6th anniversary (shortened to '6A'). Clean installers should have the before 6A assets folder names but the JPG files archive has both folders for both scenes, so they don't need to worry about making sure the file and folder names matchup. My post #648 Edit 2 explanation was intended for those who didn't want to do a clean install nor download the JPG files archive but wanted to get the 6A images manually or from post #643.
    Last edited by Berwayer; 11-22-2023 at 10:12 AM.

  9. #669
    What I feared happened, but first I'll explain what I did
    1- I downloaded the nutaku player extracted it
    2- I extracted the JPG files into asset
    3- O overwrited 0-5 from #589
    4- I followed the steps from first post to download the assets from nutaku, 0 worked fine, but 1 got me a huge error log file (839 ko).

    I thought it wouldn't happen because I didn't huge the huge player this time but that's a very bad start. (I wanted to upload my log file but it seems I don't have the right so I'll just upload a bit of the log file content).
    Any idea whay might be the cause of this? I assume most of the content will be bugged/crash even if I keep following all the other step just like in my previous experience with the bigger player.

    [New Player] Love scenes collection-capture.jpg
    Last edited by Kirashi; 11-24-2023 at 11:39 AM.

  10. #670
    My regular Nutaku player's 1_error.log is 452 KB so you appear to have an issue I haven't run into. I'm currently doing a clean install of the Nutaku player using the method I explained above. 1_download_assets will likely take several hours even with the uncensored JPGs pasted in advance. A lot of the errors are of character sprites in the encounter episodes, the episodes that take place before the harem scenes. If you need a VPN or proxy to play the game, you likely need one to complete 0_download_json and 1_download_assets. I doubt this is a problem in your case as you said that 0_download_json works. Make sure that there isn't a Windows 10/11 security permissions conflict when using the scripts like with other programs. Also, run 1_download_assets multiple times before 2_build_rpy, especially for a clean install or if you have a slow/unreliable internet connection. When testing the player, I run all of the scripts, open the player, and view a few of the newest scenes. I only look through the error logs if one of the scripts gives an error that stops it immediately such as post #614 or the player doesn't load or crashes like post #581.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Berwayer; 11-24-2023 at 01:18 PM.

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