What I've done is "1_download_json.cmd".
if you try the tool in a different environment, we have the following error, so if you can solve it, please let me know.

assets\7b40b24d2302fe134020b66c491018d14145d7bdcf1 37689\h_intro_2_furei_furei_35
.mp3 already exists
フレイ 2105_harem-character.json
assets\bgm_h_001.mp3 already exists
Saving https://static-r.kamihimeproject.net...4d2302fe134020
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "1_download_assets.py", line 180, in <module>
download_hscene_assets(character, type, filename, data)
File "1_download_assets.py", line 154, in download_hscene_assets
download_assets(links, data['resource_directory'])
File "1_download_assets.py", line 80, in download_assets
with open(dst, 'wb') as f:
IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('wb') or filename: u'assets\\7b40b24d2302fe134

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