What I've done is "1_download_json.cmd".
if you try the tool in a different environment, we have the following error, so if you can solve it, please let me know.
assets\7b40b24d2302fe134020b66c491018d14145d7bdcf1 37689\h_intro_2_furei_furei_35
.mp3 already exists
フレイ 2105_harem-character.json
assets\bgm_h_001.mp3 already exists
Saving https://static-r.kamihimeproject.net...4d2302fe134020
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "1_download_assets.py", line 180, in <module>
download_hscene_assets(character, type, filename, data)
File "1_download_assets.py", line 154, in download_hscene_assets
download_assets(links, data['resource_directory'])
File "1_download_assets.py", line 80, in download_assets
with open(dst, 'wb') as f:
IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('wb') or filename: u'assets\\7b40b24d2302fe134
Press any key to continue . . .
Thank you, I tried to report again because the error notation has changed.
[ビーチの光]ネルガル 310_harem-character.json
assets/bgm_h_001.mp3 already exists
assets/7b40b24d2302fe13c0f58ce100d27313f35e8ff45bc2dc46/black.jpg already exists
rugaru2nd_01.mp3 already exists
rugaru2nd_02.mp3 already exists
rugaru2nd_03.mp3 already exists
assets/7b40b24d2302fe13c0f58ce100d27313f35e8ff45bc2dc46/7012-2-2_a.jpg already e
rugaru2nd_04.mp3 already exists
rugaru2nd_05.mp3 already exists
rugaru2nd_06.mp3 already exists
Saving https://static-r.kamihimeproject.net...4d2302fe13c0f5
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "1_download_assets.py", line 181, in <module>
download_hscene_assets(character, type, filename, data)
File "1_download_assets.py", line 155, in download_hscene_assets
download_assets(links, data['resource_directory'])
File "1_download_assets.py", line 81, in download_assets
with open(dst, 'wb') as f:
IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('wb') or filename: u'assets/7b40b24d2302fe13c0
続行するには何かキーを押してくだ い . . .
I would be happy if I had advice again.
Why change player name doesn't work on some kamihime?
Old format vs new format. In the old format, dev put player name in the script file while in new format the player name is replaced by a placeholder {{something}}. My script only changes player name for new format files so it does not work if file uses old format.
Anyway, if you want to change them all to new format, just delete all files in eidolon/kamihime_R/kamihime_SR/kamihime_SSR in raw_scenario and run "0_download_json" script again to download all character files in new format.
Sorry to bother again. Just wanted to know if there's any solution to this. Was hoping to update DMM, but this happened.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "0_download_json.py", line 308, in <module>
File "0_download_json.py", line 202, in download_kamihime_script
info = download_kamihime_episodes_info(info)
File "0_download_json.py", line 135, in download_kamihime_episodes_info
scenario = data['chapters'][0]['scenarios'][0]
KeyError: 'chapters'
C:\Users\TEST\Downloads\Private\Kamihime_Player UPGRADED\game\dmm>pause
Press any key to continue . . .
question when i put the token and session in the dmm version of the player it says json already exist but no one from the haruhi collab is in my player
am i doing something wrong?