Quote Originally Posted by xellosp View Post
I don't know exactly where things went wrong from your end so I'm gonna describe what happened when you run each step:
1. 0_download_json, after this step new files should be downloaded into raw_scenario folder. You can check Maiden Nike and Sakuya folder in SR and SSR folders, there should be 5 json files in each.
2. 1_download_assets, nothing important, it just download assets for new scenes.
3. 2_build_rpy, this step convert json files in raw_scenario to renpy files and put them in scenario files. So if you can't find story_nutaku_kamihime_3808.rpy in scenario then possibly something wrong happened when you run this step or there are missing files in Maiden Nike folder in raw_scenario.
I have 5 json files -> http ://prntscr.com/ m3xa4c
Step 3 (2_build_rpy), i have an error -> http ://prntscr.com/ m3xapn - http ://prntscr.com/ m3xazp and i don't have the files in scenario http ://prntscr.com/ m3xcol