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  1. #11
    I've attached a version of the script from post #612 which should get the raw_scenario JSON files of the next year of characters that can't be downloaded with 0_download_json. Double click the CMD file, input the 'x-kh-session' value, put the JSONs in a folder named after the character ('Lancelot [Sweet Street Corner]' in this case), put the folder in a 'Kamihime_Player-1.0-pc/game/nutaku/raw_scenario' subfolder ('soul' makes sense for Lancelot), then run 1_download_assets, 2_build_rpy, and 3_write_config as usual. The future characters in the PY file are commented out, remove the '#' symbols when the characters become available. The file names are from the DMM version, but the Lancelot JSONs downloaded successfully for me. The portraits and thumbnails can be downloaded from the Japanese wiki pages about Skins and Divine Enlightenment. For manually downloading portraits ('Kamihime_Player-1.0-pc/game/nutaku/portrait_full' folder) and thumbnails ('Kamihime_Player-1.0-pc/game/nutaku/portrait' folder), the file extension needs to be PNG. The PNG filenames should match the raw_scenario JSON folder's name except that any brackets in the character's name need to be changed to parentheses ('Lancelot (Sweet Street Corner)' in this case).

    Edit 1: I made a mistake regarding the memorial scene JSON downloading code and used the renamed file '1001_harem-memorial.json' instead of the original '1_harem-memorial.json'. I had forgotten that post #718 said that it has to be renamed to prevent the memorial scene from being overwritten by the scene of the first file (naming wise) in the chosen raw_scenario subfolder. I've updated the DLpy scripts to address this issue and to add the code for Romulus [Scarlet Fever] and [Memorial0002] Hypnos. I'll also include the DMM JSONs for these 2 characters and the Nutaku JSONs for Lancelot [Sweet Street Corner]. The previous DMM JSONs are on post #712.

    Edit 2: Updated to include portraits and thumbnails. The method for extracting files from archives disguised as images or GIF files is on post #674.
    Last edited by Berwayer; 3 Weeks Ago at 09:13 PM.

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