Ey everyone!

I know we recently had a voting event and I also roughly checked the results but I figured it might be fun to have a thread where we can share our own favorites together with the reason why we like them so much. So what are your favorite kamihimes and why? Maybe because yours are super special, or very strong or just because you like them because of their animation?

I'll go first, obviously

#1 Amon

As if this could come as a surprise after you looked at my profile picture

I really enjoyed the Amon character and stories in the main quest. Starting off as a cold somewhat harsh person and slowly coming around to accept the group and open herself up to that a bit. While of course still being herself. When Alyssa had eaten some candy (I think) after which Diabolos made a comment to which Amon immediately replied with something in the likes of "Do you want me to cut her open and retrieve the candy?". A very cruel sense of humor indeed but it really fits her persona I think.

Next I simply love her burst attack "shadow raven". It really sounds massive and devastating.

And of course we also have the harem scenes. I think she's really well drawn.

#2 Cybele

First off... I don't care too much about Cybele's harem scenes. Especially the last one was plain out dark and I didn't really like it. It's not so much the violence and forcing onto, but I didn't like the story around it. Nor the fact that you're basically being a plain out anonymous bully towards her.

But I do enjoy the character. First time I saw her burst attack I couldn't help but laugh it up a bit. That looked so bizarre: seeing her launching her pet lion onto the enemy like that... Oh dear Plain out silly but that's what made it so much fun for me.

What I also like about Cybele is that her stats are pretty good. Sure, her type is tricky and that's definitely true; her abilities aren't very useful on her own, but if you can combine her with a good team then she can really do some good damage.

#3 Orpheus

Probably another favorite for the wrong reasons but who cares She maybe a mere R but I really enjoy having her around. One of the first Kamihimes I level broke to the max. She isn't the strongest around but she's definitely living up to her balance type. She has a very decent attack (Enchanting harp) as well as a nice support ability ("Pure life") which boosts the teams DMG. Not extremely heavy but it definitely gets the job done. Esp. when combined with a good team.

As said I probably like her for the wrong reasons because once again her burst attack made me laugh, the animation of it. She's playing her harp, obviously very much enjoying herself, and I think it's funny that something so innocent looking gets used for basically a somewhat brutal attack.

And finally my runner up...

I really wanted to mention her as well: Rangda. I got her during the last raid event and boy is she impressive. Her abilities are pretty good I think and I really like the diversity between attacks (Dark pervert+) and "indirect attacks" (Enforced regret: ATK/ Ability DMG up).

And her burst attack animation is awesome. The way her eyes turn red and her voice goes all dark and booming... Love it!

So yeah.. that's my top 3 Do you got some cool (or hot, lol!) favorites to share?