Quote Originally Posted by Delete View Post
I really liked Satanachia too, but I think she is more Eidolon than Kamihime. I feel sorry for Alyssa, but a playable version of Alyssa destroy her place as the Butt Monkey of the game.
considering the improved forms of Nike, Cybele, Baal, Amon, and Diabolos.... you really think she still wouldn't be the butt monkey?

the 5 of them seem like they undergone awakenings... while Alyssa just became a kamihime (which is still lower in terms of power compared to eidolons...)

and yeah, I could see Satanachia as an SSR eidolon too.. at least given what happened to her...

Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
I would like to see an SSR version of brynhildr.
She can heal, increase attack+double strike rate, but her damage attack is kinda..lacking.
If she were SSR maybe she could heal1800 HP like unleashed Nike.
Her attack buff can increase to 20% and maybe add triple rate up too.
And the damage ability? Well, the can either buff like Def buff, regeneration, abnormalities block or maybe cure debuff or even attack/Def debuff (not Be frame lol)
actually, i can agree with this....