Quote Originally Posted by MagicSpice View Post
now that you mention it... it's been a LONG time since i've seen one of those scenes...

they were quite rape happy with scenes in the beginning... hell, the VERY first scene you get is a rape one
Reckon it might be response from the DMM side one year ago... There's a meme I've seen that sums up precisely what triggers a lot of people about hentai that goes roughly like this:

Author: I'm going to make a hentai.
Me: Yes
Author: And I'm going to have a "insert hot girl here" in it
Me: Yes
Author: And I'm going to have her make the cutest face ever.
Author: And she's being fucked by a dirty, fat...
Me: No
Author: Obnoxious, noisy son of a bitch...
Me: NO

Somewhere along those lines, you get the idea