Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
2 questions about FLB, one regarding GO and one personal.

1. How does reward refreshing in GO work? I'm under the impression that GO is not an event, but another mode like raid quests/ SP quests that allow you to grab the orichalcum every 2 weeks or so, or however long the cooldown is. As an addition, how hard is it to get orichalcum at all?

2. I have a 2LB light pride staff at the moment... Is there any way in the future to cover more than a single 3LB weapon in UEs so I can 3LB my current pride as well?
GO is a bi-weekly daily ...chore.

Your goal in GO is to clear as many missions, out of 20 missions, as you can. These come in 2 sets of 10 missions for each of the 2 weeks as followed:

Week 1:
Challenge Guild Order 3 times
Challenge Guild Order 5 times
Clear 1st Battle 3 times
Clear 2nd Battle 3 times
Clear 3rd Battle 3 times
Clear quest with a specific hero*
Clear quest with 3+ SR or lower kamihime in the party
Clear quest with 2~3 of a kamihime type in the party*
Clear quest with hero still alive
Clear quest with 5+ party members alive

Week 2:
Challenge Guild Order 5 times
Challenge Guild Order 7 times (This mission was replaced with "Beat boss in 15 turns or less" later on)
Clear 2nd Battle 3 times
Clear 3rd Battle 3 times
Clear 4th Battle 3 times
Clear quest with a specific hero*
Clear quest with 3+ R kamihime in the party
Clear quest with 2~3+ of a kamihime type in the party*
Clear quest with at least one of each kamihime type in the party (Attack, Defense, Balance, Healer, Tricky)
Clear quest with all 7 party members alive

Each mission gives 1 point. You get reward based on mission point milestone:
1 pt - 5 half pot
2 pt - 15 seeds
3 pt - 1 silver book
4 pt - 300 jews
5 pt - 1 gold book
6 pt - 1 ori
8 pt - 500 jews
10 pt - 1 ori
12 pt - 2 silver books
15 pt - 2 gold books
18 pt - 1 ori
20 pt - 2 ori

As for your 2nd question, unfortunately, no. But UE reruns is basically Unlimited Rerun Works so you are certainly going to reach the point where you have way too many UE staves so it's no problem. (In fact, UE weapons get their FLB on the 3rd run barring water.)

Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
is guild order is the only place you can farm Orichalcum? if so, FLB weapons will be hard and should choose the weapons you want to FLB carefully.
this weapon's additional skill can help to improve sol's healling, so maybe i should FLB 1 od them for it, but not sure about a 2nd copy as there are more weapons i may want to FLB as well.
GO will be the only place you can farm ori for a long while until HL Rags are released, where you trade 20 of this new type of Fragments for 1 ori. But it's a pretty poor trade as you have better uses for those so I don't recommend it. However, ori isn't incredibly scarce if you can clear at least 18 points if not all each round. Personally I FLB'd about 5~6 weapons per grids and I still have a handsome amount of ori left. And to be honest other than the "All units alive" and "Clear with 3+ R" mission, the rest of the missions are fairly manageable if you can clear AQ4 with ease. Obviously it won't be a walk in the park, but you should be working on getting stronger anyway. Also note that Hero Weapon is NOT mandatory, especially since you will be switching heroes a lot in order to clear missions.

To give you an idea of what you're up against, here's a footage of someone clearing the very first GO 9 months ago: