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  1. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Laventale View Post
    I've seen some GO videos where there's this motherfucking mob that applies a barrier to any alive teammate and dispels upon hitting it 3 times...

    It basically absorbs the first three hits it receives, so yeah... frontline himes wouldn't do any damage to them unless one of these deal a Double or Triple attack.
    On the player's side:

    DATAs from the same hime are considered 1 attack.

    Multi-hitting nukes are considered 1 attack. i.e. Susanoo, Svarog etc

    Multi-Element nukes are considered multiple attacks. i.e. Meido Amon.

    Skills with multiple activation are considered multiple attacks. But those aren't available yet on taco. i.e. Ra, Arianrhod etc

    On the enemy's side:

    Most multi-hitting random nukes are considered 1 attack.

    The only few exceptions I can think of is Dysnomia's 4-hit trigger special attack.

    The best way to differentiate them is to see if it can kill a covering unit with defiance buff (survive lethal attack with 1 hp 1 time). Dysnomia's attack can proc the buff with the first killing hit, and then kill the defending unit with the next.
    Last edited by Bear; 05-18-2018 at 11:34 AM.

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