Quote Originally Posted by Chrestomancy View Post
Looks like we've lost 30% of the player base in the last year. While I like what that does to my chances to score better rewards, it's not a good sign for the long life of the game. Nutaku have not pushed KH for a long time, and there's been no cross-over events in an age.
It's still their most popular game. Maybe they'll do a campaign with Otogi Frontier since that's brand new on Nutaku.
But we only ever got 3, and the games been out for almost 3 years so it's not really surprising. [x2 Dragon Providence + x1 Taimanin Asagi]
Not having them doesn't really mean anything bad is going to happen to KHP...
Nutaku sometimes do it of their own accord when a new game comes out and they want to promote it by using their most popular game. So don't worry!

omg london buddies1!!!1!