Quote Originally Posted by Ikki View Post
The 150 drag eyes is the one that lets you choose anything, idk what the 25 drag eyes does or if it even exists, but theres no way they give you 100% eidos or limited himes with just 25 eyes, thats reserved for the 150 eyes one.

Their stats arent amazing, its the bonus that makes them op if you have 6+ weapons of that type, people just use 1 phantom weapon along with 6+ weapons (flbed usually) of that same type for the bonus, they tried to make rainbow work with ssr diabolos and phantom weapons but its just bad, just get 1 phantom weapon that matches your weapon grid and call it a day.
figured someone else had the same idea i had about that phantom grid. if they came up with better stats for the phantom weapons, then maybe... plus it would run the risk of phantom element for your Soul, which means weakness damage each time they're hit...

as for that ticket, i made the mistake of thinking it was 25... it's a tall order, but if you somehow do get that many drag eyes.... easy access to the 100% eidolons or a kaiser...

also makes me wonder too if they'll introduce a phantom version of the 100% eidolons (maybe something like 100% special attack, plus up to 20%-40% more when using different elemental eidolons)