still not too quick to use my water team... but boy.... my light team will rip that "light only" challenge a new one, even if it's just the R girls (there's a few debuffers in there).

Quote Originally Posted by Laventale View Post
Well, today I woke up with 5ºC, so my "summer" isn't that warm.
i'd love to be where you're at cause if this Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion is right, i'm sitting around 32ºC.... and that's WITHOUT the 50%-80% humidity throughout this week... and my room is kinda small and in direct sunlight a lot so it's EVEN WORSE THAN OUTSIDE.

oh, and all i got for now is a crappy fan due to my house's shitty wiring.... at least until my portable air conditioner wants to come in the mail...

so yeah, i think i'll sell my room as a fucking sauna for the time being.... what do you guys think?