Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
So... do tell why you're fighting fire with fire.

What I'm picturing from this whole scenario is that you're not happy someone was a tad bit abrasive when it came to correcting information, so you had 2 options to you:

1. Take it, and try to sort things out nicely.
2. Retort back and potentially start a flame war.

My perspective? You took the second option, possibly because you took those corrections too personally or something. I don't claim to know the reason, but chill the hell down. You saw toxicity from that other game and you're not wrong to be angry when you see something you perceive as toxic, but do something about "screaming" using comments here, you're treating too many comments too personally.
okay, on one hand, i could have just backed down and left it as is. i'll give you that much....

but this is also an issue that frequently happens and i'm fed up with it. i come to this and the game to find enjoyment and maybe even get better while i'm at it, cause i still can just as easily rely on the JP wiki alone and go from there...

which honestly, is what i'm gonna end up doing. cause there's a lot of cases where i say something and it's suddenly "okay, you're wrong and here's why" but a few really go overboard even when i don't try to feed into the fire.

i don't mind the criticism if it's just that. but if i'm feeling offended, you'll quickly tell cause my tone and everything will start offending back. it's not intentional at all, it's just me standing my ground.

but as far as i'm concerned, this is becoming too much of an issue. so quite frankly, i'm done.

and like non said, there's a lot of people that look at my vids for info. all i'm doing is passing on info i find. someone else can take that up if they want, but as for me, i don't feel like this is a place to get said info anymore without being a hassle.

so on that note, see you. i'm done with this forum.