Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
So, due to the servers being utter horsecock yesterday, I just took my entry reward and got out.

So today I manualed the thing and...
... what the FUCK are you supposed to do against Jack?!?! That was some grade fucking-A complete fucking bullshit.

Everyone is -50% damage dealt every single turn, and at the same time Jack is robbing Burst gauge so you can't even reach Burst. So you do basically zero damage.
Meanwhile, everyone is taking 5k+ damage every single turn from the DoTs.
And then she Rages and starts dealing 6k+ AoE damage every single turn from her Overdrive.

Did I just get unlucky as fuck and she simply got absolutely perfect RNG to keep everyone with full debuffs or something? Because jesus fucking christ. I don't remember the last time I lost when manualing, but that was just complete fucking horsecock bullshit.

tl;dr- Try turtling up

I have a pretty decent Light team and I feel your pain. She is dangerous in a random way and she absolutely punishes burst generator teams. I believe the correct approach for her is to actually go defensive and don't push her into Rage quickly. A burst team is at a disadvantage against her as she fucks with burst generation and you give up tons of defense for that ability to stun someone quickly (which is also pretty hard with her; I can easily stun punish AQ5 bosses, but yesterday I couldn't push her into stun after a full burst). It may be also that I couldn't time PF, Kaiserup and Michael's two skills all at the same time (because of her burst fucking), but I can't remember how she maintained rage, only that she did.

Since she punishes offensive/burst teams, I believe the appropriate souls for her are either Andromeda or Joan. I've found actually healing, as opposed, to damage cuts is so much more useful against her, but Joan does have the ability to up your defense by 60% so I believe it's a push between those two souls. Get ready to toggle healing between Joan/Andromeda and Sol and use large potions as needed to keep your team alive. Also bring all Eidos/Himes that have Dark Attack down, Light defense up, and/or Raw hit points (like Michael, Sati, or Tsukuyomi) plus Kaiser and/or Barong, Abou, Heca or Yulegoat (Nandi's fine as non-main also). If you activate Dark damage cuts as they're ready (because she's random you have to) you'll find yourself occasionally not eating 5k in one turn (maybe 3k or 2k) which means you can wait for healing to cycle back.

I thought she cleanses herself on a regular basis, but I didn't see that today. Debuffs on her tend to stay (or maybe she needs a specific ability to go of to cleanse) so Light resist down is great as are most defense and attack down.
