More cheese using healers to turtle instead of Gaia AW, and once again Icarus burns herself to death - 42k light team AAB clear, no losses XD

1 SSR (Sol not AW), 3 SR, no subs. In theory this works with any healers, nothing specific about Sol. As long as you have some ascension weapons lying around (LB0 is fine, I used three LB0 SR ascension weapons) and you have a handful of healer himes of the same element, you can replicate this build, so it is much more accessible than my previous dmg nullify build.

Lyrelia, I happen to have the himes you have, so I tried using your team with a power level that I think is pretty close to what you described - my UE weapons are FLB, so I left one weapon slot blank to try to offset that somewhat; I also needed two defender weapons, but the only ones I had on-hand were all dual-skills, so I left two more slots blank for a total of three blanks (you can replicate a dual skill weapon with two disaster weapons.) I was able to clear just under 15T. I am using MLB Shingen's lance with Joan - it might work with other weapons, too, but will be slightly harder to control the flow of battle without the lance. Made a few mistakes here and there, but hopefully this will be a useful reference point for you.