Quote Originally Posted by jamaco3 View Post
Thank you, and my mistake with the premise of the post. My main question isn't about beating guild order but moreso about why my main team's damage is low and what I can do to up it in general with any event.
Short answer: It's because you have way too much Defender.

Long answer, in order of most important to least important:
1. Finish up leveling those skill levels. Pulling 100x 10 Gem Gacha every day is by far the most important thing you can do to get stronger. If you need Gems, spam Half Elixirs at the Gem Quest 30-minute "events."
2. Use a 100% Eidolon in your friend slot when you need ~25% more damage output. Yes, it matters about that much always.
3. Replace Vada Blade with a offensive Relic weapon, I see you're lacking in Def Down so Herc would be the best. If you want to run some other Soul, replace Cupid with Atalente. If you want higher Burst, you'll to run either Herc with Provisional Forest or if you want to use a free EX skill, Shingen.
4. Replace Cannon Ilul with a SR Assault or better.
5. Use anything better than your SR Dragoon in Eidolon slot 5. Anything with ~1500+ Atk will do.

All of that piles up so cause your damage output problems.

Do that and you should clear (Fire) GO with little problems (once you know what to do inside, that is). There is content where having that much Defender is good for you (especially if you're running double healers), but if your aim is damage output, then you need to be using Assault weapons in a finished Grid.

PS. You're actually using my damage calc. Nice. If you're using it just for the weapon skill levels, then cool. But you could use the rest of it and be able to where you're lacking by yourself?