I usually do atleast 200/100 on raid events, going further depends a bit on the raid itself. I remember I was going nuts on St. Nic and Barong, well, as being a Light-User it kinda makes sense.
It also depends on how annoying or not the Boss is as I tend to solo usually my Experts (Amalthea was a bit of a pain cause Fire team was not so strong and Light was sometimes a bit sketchy).

Considering Trivia now, I will probably farm the living hell out of her (Seeds, Gems, possible SRs from the Gacha), so 250/100 will it probably be. Mostly to prep for Phoenix and the 2 weapons, cause they gonna be SL'd instantly.

What I see is a bit mixed. I see some 50/55 people that do some more when they have the mood for it but dont really go hard, I see 200/100 and also people that go nuts. So probably depends on where you look around.