Need some help deciding my best thunder soul. My team looks like this:

Brahma (80)
Mammon (80)
Tyr, AW (70)
Jupiter (80)
Athena (80)
Thor (70)

I also have Raiko and Marduk available if they would fit better.

I have been using Andromeda (sneak attack EX to reach DEF down cap) with the +ATK staff since it's my only access to a heal but I still don't feel very survivable. Thought about switching Athena into the main team and swapping for Herc with BP as EX and use her relic weapon to reach the DEF cap. Also I know D'art has great synergy with Mammon and would keep sniper shot, just feels like I die a lot. Andromeda feels...weak overall. Shingen isn't an option for me at the moment, still 2 or 3 events away from her.

I can farm up thunder regalia pretty easily with my light team so I don't mind switching to a different hero.