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  1. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    1) Consolation Gatchas. Iv've gone 9 pulls without an SSR, and I've read of others going twice that long. It's really demoralizing. Makes you think that the odds are fake, and want to quit the game. It's especially unfair to those who whale and get nothing back for their money. Why not keep a count of 10 chain pulls with no SSR, and give a consolation guaranteed SSR ticket once it gets to about 7? That's more than double the amount you normally should go. This would decrease frustration a lot, and also encourage people to whale more.
    This. Also rate up memes coz it's pretty ridiculous that the expectations of getting a unit you save up for months is still pretty low.

    Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
    My main gripe is the menu lag. There's no excuse for why shifting between the various menus isn't instantaneous, and I've played browser games that accomplish this too. Communication with the server should only be necessary when you're changing a setting that needs to be saved. Otherwise, whenever possible requests should be handled locally.
    And this. I can see how much it annoys people who know exactly that it can be done locally. I don't mind it that much ever since they fixed the real bad ones like selling multiple times or until recently swapping a single accessory already took ages. But it would certainly be a great improvement if they fixed that.
    On a side note, communication with server also needs to be done when checking for open raids, so on that part it's inevitable. But ironically enough, looking at the raid tab doesn't refresh your active status which would be directly connected to seeing available raids.
    Last edited by nonsensei; 09-17-2018 at 05:24 PM.
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