I doubt the developers will read this, or care if they do, but I thought it would be fun to make a thread about what you would change about the game. I don't mean thinks like "put 100% eido in miracles" b/c if everyone had 100% eido, that would break the game. I mean things they could realistically do a

1) Consolation Gatchas. Iv've gone 9 pulls without an SSR, and I've read of others going twice that long. It's really demoralizing. Makes you think that the odds are fake, and want to quit the game. It's especially unfair to those who whale and get nothing back for their money. Why not keep a count of 10 chain pulls with no SSR, and give a consolation guaranteed SSR ticket once it gets to about 7? That's more than double the amount you normally should go. This would decrease frustration a lot, and also encourage people to whale more.

2) After you press attack, ,lack propaganda is locked in for the rest of the turn. How many times has this skill worn off after I pressed attack, and the boss burt in my face and wiped half my team? So annoying.

3) Start other instances with Guild Orders active. I'm not a fan of GO. I find it too demanding, and it interferes too much with real life obligations and other in-game events. The problem is 1) a stage can take up to 10 minutes, 2) you need to be active for the whole time due to debuff timers, and 3) most of us need a 100% eido friend, which for some elements is hard to get. What happens to me a lot is, I just feel like semi-afking. Joining a ragor an advent on auto while I do other stuff. But then a 100% eido shows up in my friend screen, and I think "I better start GO before this 100% eido disappears." But then I can't find 10 minutes to focus on nothing but the game while I clear a stage, and GO blocks me from doing other stuff for the next 8 hours.If we could do other things while GO is active (as we can when joining raids with seed) this wouldn't be a problem.