Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
but, i heard that rush have really low chance to work to begin with, --
The reason why Rush has such bad rep is because Japs noticed that "omg Brahma Dbl+ getting dispelled makes her hit Trpl almost every turn, so having too much Dbl+ means that you lower Trpl rate!!!!!11"

... which is probably true and due to bad coding, but it's basically impossible to reach such a stage. As a result I don't think Rush has really been tested at all, since the DMM wiki claims Rush and Barrage as about the same %. Which is unlikely to be true.

I am utterly baffled at how DMM players still seem to avidly avoid Rush despite living in a meta where reaching 100% Comborate should be absolutely fucking magnificent. We have to remember that the closer you are to 100%, the better Dbl+ and Trpl+ gets - so for us, pre-Tiara set bonus, Rush is probably quite meh. But later down the line when you can stack a literal fuckton of Combo+, getting those last % will be so damn good.