aight was poppin lads it's time for some uh watchin videos because theres 0 info in the wiki yet again

Battles -


Raging Overdrive deals large damage to all allies and applies zombie (take damage when healing HP) and regeneration (2T 1000HP)
Normal Overdrive deals damage to all allies and applies blindness and applies shield/evasion buff (reduces the chance to be targeted by enemy attacks) and evades 5 normal attacks.

Fire -

Wind -

Recommended Teams for Event Mission only

Mordred (w/ Maidens Prayer?)

Rewards -

* as always, thanks to JStar... seriously go check out his fucking amazing guide

22...23? was it? premium tickets... 3k jews and a buncha other shit!

Event Missions -

New Kamihime/Awakening -

SSR Thunder Offense Brahma [Awakened]
SSR Wind Balance - Aether
SR Wind Defense - Hebe (lol)
R Wind Balance - Charis

SR Fire Raid Offense - Themis

Good luck! uh, I mean if Brahma gets awakened tomorrow then i'll remove the Brahma part from here if I remember...