Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my thunder team works really well with andro, tried with herc but they die to quickly without heals and with tower yeah heals are amazing but so are cleanses as this annoying water union proves........
from what i found out, i can't get far with my thunder team (my only SSR are thor, jupiter, cao cao, and tyr) unless i have ramiel as a buffer and burst battery, joan/andro (or cassio if i need the chaos magic skill), and have sniper shot as an ex skill. anything short of that results in a SWIFT defeat cause both my thunder grid and selection sucks... i went ahead and awakened both thor and tyr due to how lacking they are in some good kamihime

considering how much my water and thunder teams are against me, i'm kinda demotivated to raise them anymore. I'm amazed my water kami could even survive roughly 10 tower floors on just 50% assault but i still was missing a lot of key ones to really do something to that event. unless i pull rudra or kirin, i'm likely gonna let my thunder/water teams stagnate...