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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    So, as I missed out on Horus, my Fire Grid needed some serious help with zero dual-skill weapons. So I decided to tryhard this event a little bit.
    [Event 70] Raid Event vs Iwanaga-Hime-khiwanaga2.jpg
    Saved 1.1k Tickets from previous raids, results of which I posted earlier in this thread I believe.

    In total? I opened ~3.6k Tickets. At ~3k Tickets, all I had found was two Hammers and 3 Iwanaga-Hime. Thank fucking heavens that I found two more Hammers in the last 620 Tickets, this was almost a disaster. This is exactly the reason why I didn't bother to tryhard Tiamat, finding only 4 copies would've been a complete waste of time. At least I had the back-up option of the Ori Shop if this had gone wrong. I don't know what the average drop of SSRs from Raid Tickets is, but I have a feeling that 1/514 is fairly unlucky.

    At least I have the most Gems I've ever had, so that's a good thing as a EU player, I guess.

    Anyway, I kinda hate how this raid was a complete joke for a Water team (Full Bursting 6.5m with zero Crits with Rudra and effectively skipping the entire fight), but when doing it off-element with a crappy team... this happens:

    Sure, I played like crap and my Grid is outdated, but it's still full slvl20. Well, except Herc Axe, which was still 20%. It's an outdated Grid, alright!?! But hey, it basically my first time playing with Light, since I simply have never had a functional Light team before. Outside of Sol, these were basically brand new Hime for me. Of course, that excuse goes out of the window considering how I fucked up with Herc's skills a couple of times too.
    ... I have no idea why I didn't swap out Combo- once I learned that Shamash has Intercept. That is not good synergy there.

    Pretty impressed with Managarm's Combo+. That seems like some potent shit.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    jesus christ 3k tix and 2 hammers is unreal. iirc i got 4 from the total amount plus a few 1kish more from battle drops
    glad it worked out, tho

    gotta say it's prob one of the easiest raid ragnaroks we've had yet. probably the 2nd or 3rd one i've been able to solo off-element for mission w/o using an elixer. easiest by far tho. gz on winning it, though i expect no less kek

    also, if i add up my total from this event + DMM kinshi event, i got around the same amount of devil/divines heh, but if my dyscalculia doesn't deceive me thats 19m pp... awesome
    Last edited by Kitty; 01-08-2019 at 02:02 PM.
    selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.

    has at least 1 SSR of each element.

    rank 41 .
    pm me teehee xox

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Huh, it never had clicked for me that: raid gacha tickets don't expire + raid gacha tickets aren't distinguished from the different raids = raid gacha tickets can be saved for later raids.

  4. #4

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    they can only be saved if you claim them from PP rewards but don't accept them in gifts. it's a very long process considering some events are like raid > advent > UE > advent > raid for example... it takes patience for like claiming shit in gifts 1 by 1.. i respect that.

    next raid wep worth getting is Fluerety iirc, it's a large assault bow... not sure about the ones previous, but worth saving for is her bow..

    anywho Dark UE starts on the 10th 8pm EST
    i hope everyone is prepared n stuff
    selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.

    has at least 1 SSR of each element.

    rank 41 .
    pm me teehee xox

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    Ah, that's kind of annoying. Granted, I'm already in that retrieve gifts 1 at a time life, but adding even more pages to skip through to pick out what I want at the moment is its own layer of annoyance.

    Next raid after this is Monoceros with an assault/ascension weapon, I believe. After that, all raid SSRs are either single skill assault or dual skill but no assault/pride, from what I see.

  6. #6

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    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Huh, it never had clicked for me that: raid gacha tickets don't expire + raid gacha tickets aren't distinguished from the different raids = raid gacha tickets can be saved for later raids.
    As Kitty basically already said, Raid Tickets only carry over from your Gifts. That means you can bring 300 Tickets from PP rewards and 30+50 Tickets from Event Quests per previous raid event.

    Any unspent Raid Tickets in your inventory are DELETED the moment you enter the raid main screen for the first time. This is also the reason why you can't see raid help requests of that event until you've visited the raid main screen once (anymore, we used to be able to see them and people would constantly get their Tickets deleted).

  7. #7

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    reminds me of the biggest yikes i ever witnessed. my union buddy was saving a fuck ton of tickets and someone that was helping him with dailies one day did a claim all while no raid was on and he got absolutely fucked over lmaooooooo FFUCK it hurts to think about it
    selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.

    has at least 1 SSR of each element.

    rank 41 .
    pm me teehee xox

  8. #8
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    This is exactly the reason why I didn't bother to tryhard Tiamat, finding only 4 copies would've been a complete waste of time. At least I had the back-up option of the Ori Shop if this had gone wrong.
    Back-up option? How? Because the last Raid weapon in the shop is the Vland Lance and that won't change for a long time, not even in DMM they updated it because of those "epic-quest".

    Do you mean perhaps the ori gun?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Back-up option? How? Because the last Raid weapon in the shop is the Vland Lance and that won't change for a long time, not even in DMM they updated it because of those "epic-quest".

    Do you mean perhaps the ori gun?
    He meant Tiamat event, not this one. Although from what I see he also have messed ori shop and eido shop (I guess from 4 copies and Tiamat being best event eido ATK-wise).

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Back-up option? How? Because the last Raid weapon in the shop is the Vland Lance and that won't change for a long time, not even in DMM they updated it because of those "epic-quest".--
    Shit, really? Why would they not keep adding raid weapons to the Ori Shop? I mean, Epic Quests are like a year away...
    Quote Originally Posted by Gludateton View Post
    He meant Tiamat event, not this one. Although from what I see he also have messed ori shop and eido shop (I guess from 4 copies and Tiamat being best event eido ATK-wise).
    For Tiamat, I meant that if you got yourself 4 copies, you'd need to buy one from the Eidolon Orb Shop - and you'd never reach three MLB copies then. So really, all you did was change paying less Orbs for two.

    And farming for some Orbs is just not worth it. Three MLB Tiamats would be worth it, though.

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