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Hybrid View

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    Eh, Assault (M)/Ascension (S) can still beat out SRs.
    At any rate, for the newer players working on water, take into account the future available SSRs after this...
    April: Vritra reprint (Defender (L) sword that FLBs to gain Assault (S) and a Elaborate (M)/Assault (S) arcane)
    May: Sloth (Pride (L) glaive that FLBs to gain Barrage (S) and a Assault (L) bow that FLBs to gain Exceed (S))
    September: Kyuuei/Jiuying advent (Assault (M)/Defender (S) gun and a Defender (M)/Vigoras (S) axe)
    November: Haruhi collab (Defender (L) staff)
    January: Patience (Assault (L) staff that FLBs to XL and a Defender (L) hammer that FLBs to XL)
    And all the water SRs in those future events are single skills, I think?

    And speaking of SRs...
    Sitri's release weapon is a wind Assault (S)/Defender (S) gun. For people looking to add some HP to their wind teams without hindering their offense too much, guess how many options you'll have coming up.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    Oh, and Hanuman now brings the (passive gets stronger depending on # of sub eidolons being the same element) idea over to the 4 cyclical elements. Except their base power's higher than Managarmr/Anubis by starting at 100% instead of 80%. Scaling's 4% per matching sub eidolon, but it gets buffed to 8% per in late December.
    If you're lucky enough to pull one of these high powered scaling eidolons over the year, I hope that you have not pulled a MagicSpice and gotten rid of some eidolons that you didn't expect to see use :P

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