[QUOTE=Itoshira;142824]Not really recently. I'm around for...uh...like 9 month or so. Last years Mastema was when I started.
I got on the lucky end as I was high enough for Guardians when they got released, so I could abuse the first massive farm wave of the whales and tag along. Ending in getting them weapons.
Damage Value heavily depends if I'm against Dark or not, since I have a shit load of Crit that sometimes explodes. Off-Element, I do okay.

I actually have most weapons similar to yours, except for Vishnu's and that one extra sword. I have about 6 weapons at +99. Difficult to get most characters bursting at the same time within 3T as
the 4th event requires. How did you manage that one? You need to get first hit on Herc, second on Athena, and hope the gauges fill up right. Did not try really hard but I think I managed to get a full burst once. I don't have Vishnu and V. Baal, I think those probably help. High score board shows that top light teams used Arthur, Artemis, Metatron, Lugh, Frey. But mostly top teams are Lightning. Notice that the elements are of the wrong colour on the scoreboard? They haven't even bothered to fix it.