Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
How did you manage that one? You need to get first hit on Herc, second on Athena, and hope the gauges fill up right. Did not try really hard but I think I managed to get a full burst once. I don't have Vishnu and V. Baal, I think those probably help. High score board shows that top light teams used Arthur, Artemis, Metatron, Lugh, Frey. But mostly top teams are Lightning. Notice that the elements are of the wrong colour on the scoreboard? They haven't even bothered to fix it.
Uhhh... two things:
1. The element shown on the scoreboard is the element of the dummy that the team punched against, not the team's element.
2. The teams shown on scoreboard is ordered according to the hime's release date, in order to hide their actual ordering (which contributes to strategy).

Anyway, how the rankers did it:

Thunder team: Shingen - Justitia - BaarU - Marduk - Perkele (Earrings) / / Jupiter (Earrings) - Tyr (Earrings)
>> 3B - 1B - FB

Light team: Arthur (UE Axe) - Metatron - Lugh (Earrings) - Tishtrya (Earrings) - SSArty (Earrings) / / Mike (Earrings) - Takeminakata (Earrings)
>> 2B - 3B - FB

Wind team: Arthur (Herc Axe) - Arianrhod - Gefjon - Titania (Earrings) - Atum (Earrings) / / Aether (Earrings) - Sol OR Sitri (Earrings)
>> FB - 0B - FB

Fire team: Arthur (UE Sword, Debuff) - Amon - Haruhi - Amana - Freyr (Earrings) / / Ares (Earrings) - Svarog (Earrings)
>> 4B - 1B - FB

Unfortunately, Water team didn't make it to scoreboard this time due to lack of instant burst / high self BG units.