Played for less than a year on DMM. 25 SSR. No T4 soul. Here is my collection and some of my personal opinions. Hope I can get some input from yous all. Feeling a bit confused now so hope I don't get some of the names mixed up.

These are what I have been using for my various teams. I have Rudra but I don't use her for obvious reasons. My strongest teams are those for which I have the 40% ele up. My 100% and 140% eids are totally useless. Personally, I didn't reroll and I wouldn't advocate rerolling.
FIRE: Cerberus (140%), WATER: Leviathan(140%), LIGHTNING: Ritan (40% ele up, BG20%), LIGHT: No idea (40% ele up, BG20%), Dark: Abunis (100%), WIND: Pazuzu...

Dark: Erebus, Pluto, Gaia, Osiris, Susanoo AW, Selene, Satan AW, Berith, Chernobog
Light: Iris, Michael AW, Athena, Takeminata, Tish
Water: Diana, Saras, Neptune
Lightning: Nuva (The one with the harp), Baal, Raiko (Non-AW), Arianrod (Newly released)
Fire: Ra, Prometheus, Dakki
Wind: Azazel (Non-AW)

Dark: I have a lot of SSR so I can pick and choose. Personally I don't really use Satan AW at all and find Pluto rather underwhelming. If i had to choose four characters to bring I would pick Gaia, Osiris, Susanoo and Selene. Maybe Berith. Osiris for BG, Gaia for guard, Susanoo for nukes and Selene for snatch and additional damage. I wonder if snatch has been nerfed though.

Light: Iris, Michael AW, Athena, Take and Meteas SR. Personally, I think Tish is kind of overrated. I normally just put in some filler character I need to level in the last slot. The reason why Yoyo girl is always on my team is to cleanse status ailments while doing AQ7 and for the 60% guard ability. I think Meteas is like the most underrated light hime in this game.

Lightning: All the SSR above and whoever. Had Baal for the longest time but the others only recently dropped for me. Still experimenting with this one.

Water: Above SSR himes and Gabriel. Haven't any experience with the so-called core himes mentioned on the forum so no basis for comparison.

Fire: Above SSR and whatever...

Wind: No comment...

LIGHT: Been light main but I think light is getting power creeped. Lightning might be the next big thing? There was this recent lightning dungeon which I skipped altogether.

DARK: Dark is actually my fav element to use because of the variety of hime that exists, even if people complain about compatibility issues. Even the hime within themselves have compatibility issues. I find Erebus kind of odd, with her status up buff consuming 50 BG while doing nothing and having a guard ability which seems to run out rather quickly... it's like the devs couldn't decide between making her atk or def based.

LIGHTNING: Lightning seems to be good with both elemental attack up buffs and elemental defence down debuffs, as well as attack up buffs and attack down debuffs. Never really used lightning due to lack of viable hime but with recent drops I have decided to concentrate on lightning a bit more.

FIRE: Although many events have dropped level 30 awakenable SSR weapons, I still think my fire team is really weak due to my lack of viable hime.

WATER: Usable I guess. There was this big hoo-ha on this forum over whether Diana was OP or not. I still think not. Especially now that there's a event water eid (Sariel?) which grants a Burst Damage up buff.

I think Water and Dark deserve more love. Enough babbling. What do yous all think?