Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Excuse me what the f? That is a hammer, not staff
With sphinx being reprinted twice already (maximum 3 hammer) and 2 nandi hammer, that's a free null hammer grid right there
Also, if you are short of a sphinx hammer, heryshaf hammer can be a substitute
There are better null for light, sure. But most of them require overfarm/gacha weap, so getting a null grid just from free advent weap? Yes
Unfortunately I have only 1 Sphinx hammer and 0 Nandi's (I play at DMM not too long ), but FTP null grid is realy strong argument, thanks.

BTW, can anyone explain what Asherath aw's burst does? I cant understand what google translate says. Is it extra damage based on number of s2 stacks or what? And what do you think about her aw in general. S1 got -1t cd, s2 as i see got extra strenght, but wiki doesn't say how much, s3 got - cd too. Extra passive is +20 bg at the beginning of battle - almost nothing in terms of at least 90 lvl raids/GO etc. And that's all. If Asherath was like water Mike, then her aw version seems to be much, much worse then Mike aw.