Kan'u Unchō

Burst - Oversized Wind DMG

Abi 1 - Wind DMG to enemies / DEF down to all enemies (-20%) [7T CD, 180 sec)
Abi 2 - Burst Gauge (100) UP / Burst Performance UP [8T CD, 2TD]
Abi 3 - Absorbs 10% of Maximum HP and activates Abi 2 instantly [4TCD, 2TD]
*There is an upper limit on HP consumption, and a maximum of 2000 HP is consumed.
*Even if the remaining HP is 2000 or more, it cannot be activated unless the remaining HP is 10% or more of the maximum HP.

Assist - Burst Gauge maximum value UP [200] / Performance greatly improved according to consumption.
* When Burst Gauge is 100 or more, consumes all the burst gauge when burst is active.
* Similar to Metatron [Awakened] & [Green Serpent Bow's Guide] Atum