Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
Shimei Ryomou

Burst - Large Light DMG / Damage increased to enemies with "Articulation"

Abi 1 - Light DMG to enemies / Applies "Articulation" to enemies.
* "Articulation" is inevitable and has many effects on assist ability.
*Can only be applied to enemies once, if used again, effect will be cancelled?
Abi 2 - Enemies DEF/ATK DOWN (Small) [7TCD, 180 sec]
*Effect increased on enemies with "Articulation"
Abi 3 - x5 DMG to random enemies.

Assist - Enemies with Articulation receive light DMG after turn

She was a lot harder to translate... I don't usually bother with SRs, but since you asked... I hope I didn't fuck it up too much, lol
Thanks for the translation. Much better than Google translate that makes no bloody sense at times.